Quantum Computers
About Quantum Computers
Quantum computers are a new emerging technology that uses quantum mechanics to perform computations and computer functions. These computers use a quantum phenomenon known as superposition and entanglement, instead of binary, to perform computer calculations and functions at a higher speed and accuracy than classic computers.
Quantum Computers & Engineering
Engineering fields that are used to make quantum computers include:
Quantum engineering (New field)
Computer software engineering
Computer hardware engineering
Electrical engineering
Technological Background
Classic computers have been around since the 1970s and are one of the most used technologies to this day. Computers back then ran on very basic and limited components and could only perform simple tasks at first, but as time progressed more and more advanced hardware and software led to massive improvements on computers' usage, speed and availability.
Effects of Quantum
Quantum computers are generally predicted to be extremely beneficial to the world because of the incredible speed they can run at. There are many predicted benefits that come out of quantum computing socially, culturally, environmentally and economically. ​
Quantum computers can accurately predict certain events or outcomes before they occur, this could potentially be used to help save peoples lives. This could be helpful in situations such as traffic, as the computer could calculate every possible route a vehicle could take at any given moment, reducing accidents, traffic or fuel usage. Another benefit is how quantum computers could help us create new medicines and cures for diseases, reducing the loss of life.
The computers can also be used to develop old and new systems such as agriculture, helping with calculations such as speeding up fertilizer production.
Quantum computers also have an economic benefit, as faster computing would allow companies to earn more money from the faster service by either charging more from consumers or simply earning more by the speed of sales/money earned.
Construction of Quantum Computers
Quantum computers are made out of various metals and minerals to make different components including semiconductors, nano-wires and specialised crystals. Different materials are used to create different conduction properties in components such as superconduction and semiconduction. Materials used in a quantum computer include:
Aluminium (For superconducting properties)
Indium (For semiconducting properties)